PhD projects

The modelling of fluid flows is a classic test-bed for the development of new mathematical methods.  There are many applications involving fluids in the area of clean energy, such as thermal exchangers in solar and geothermal systems, and in wind and wave energy capture.

Turbulent flow is characterised by chaotic whirls or eddies, which effectively enhance diffusion and dissipate kinetic energy. This might aid mixing or heat transfer, but dramatically increases the cost of pumping fluids. Therefore, understanding how and when turbulence appears is typically crucial in applications.

On a larger length scale, astrophysical applications include the dynamics of flows inside planets and proto-planetary flows about a central mass (accretion discs). Magnetic fields typically play an important role in determining the nature of these astrophysical flows.

I am looking for motivated students who would like to learn new methods and broaden their mathematical skills through the study of fluid dynamics.  A PhD in fluid dynamics would allow you to develop highly transferable skills in analytical thinking, data analysis, scientific computation, and mathematical modelling.

ALSO, Sheffield is a great and affordable place to live!  Check it out...

PhD opportunity!

Application deadline 29th January 2025.  

Unravelling the Mechanism of Turbulence Suppression in Magneto-convection Pipe Flow.  Details at  FindAPhD .

Scholarship information and how to apply: EPSRC Doctoral Landscape Awards (DLA)  

Co-supervision by Dr Elena Marensi (School of Mechanical Civil & Aerospace Engineering) and Dr Ashley Willis (School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences) 


Applications are welcomed, they must be submitted via the University system (see link below). 

Please note that the Offer of a PhD place is separate from an offer of funding. A place is the offer of tuition, subject to your ability and our availability. For funding, the first round of allocations takes place in February, and to be eligible you must have applied and had an online interview, usually by late January. With your application, please include any project work, Masters thesis or journal articles where possible.

PhDs: How to apply

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